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- %s%s points for me.
- %sI'll take %s points for that!
- %sThat's %s points!
- %sThat's %s points!
- %sI'll take %s points for that!
- %sI'll take %s points for that!
- %sI'll take %s points for that!
- I pass!
- Pass!
- I'll Pass!
- Hmmmm... Pass!
- Pass!
- … and that's Domino!
- well… that's Domino!
- Domino!
- … and that's Domino!
- That's Domino!
- %sI'll take %s points for that, and that's Domino!
- %s%s points for me, plus Domino!
- %s%s points for me, and Domino!
- Woo Hoo! I win!
- I win!
- Game Over, I win!
- I have %s pip%s left.
- I've got %s pip%s left.
- Looks like I have %s pip%s left.
- Yikes! I have %s pip%s left!
- Ouch, you caught me with %s pip%s.
- Eeek! I have %s pip%s left!
- Phew! I only have %s pip%s.
- Just %s pip%s for me.
- Just %s pip%s for me.
- Sorry, no points for you here.
- I got away clean on that one!
- Well done.
- Good job.
- %sThats %s points to start with.
- %sI'll start with %s points!
- %sLet's start with a quick %s points.
- With that double %s, I'm going again!
- That double %s buys me another turn!
- Double %s! I'll take another turn.
- Saved by a Matador!
- Matador, Ole'!
- Matador, Ole'!
- Pass! My train is fair game.
- I'm passing! My train is open.
- Yikes, pass! Now you can use my train, too.
- Phew! I get my train back!
- Great! My train belongs to me, again!
- With that, my train is all mine again.
- I have only one bone left.
- Just one domino left in my hand.
- I'm down to my last tile!